In this issue #212 of your weekly poetry shot we find things to be proud of.
More poetry, more chains, welcome the a new list of freshly minted onchain poetry
We're wondering about the beauty of seasons changing in issue 211 of you weekly poetry shot.
A poem written by hand on a paper postcard.
Your weekly poetry shot #210 with poet of the month | wordstobepoetry | and a jazz festival vibe.
The summer is coming to an end, but clearly the flow of onchain poetry hasn't stopped. Find fresh onchain poetry in this list.
We're not dwelling on the past in your weekly poetry shot issue #209
We are going higher this week to find your weekly poetry shot.
Another Onchain Poetry digest is before you, and the Onchain Summer is noticeable in the wordy world as well.
Looking back on the Olympic Games, and the love of sports.