As a 30-year-old American woman, I grew up assuming that the female protagonists in the romantic comedies of the 1990s and early 2000s were represent...
Head Chef Orm Oja lets you in on the process of cooking when you snag a seat at the Chef’s Table at NOA Chefs Hall restaurant in Tallinn, Estonia.Las...
A photo of a pretty standard JCP storefront, this one in Dulles, VA via always get a little nostal...
An image from a Miami beer garden where I made a couple of friends this weekend. Pro Tip: Don’t crash the party table; join the group of 1–3 people. ...
There are a lot of choices that a person makes in their life before deciding to invite a new acquaintance to a hotel room, and greet them wearing onl...
When Jason and I got engaged, the first thing we decided to do was to keep it a secret from all of our friends and family for the next week.Being out...
Nobody really knows when I’m having a bad day.This is by design.I’m the kind of person who thrives on the “wow factor” effect. My biggest wins revolv...
As the Product Manager, you better be ready to convince other team members to help you on your task list. (All images courtesy of Open Clip Art.)Prod...
Thanks, Leah. Would love to chat more about your ideas for this. I think for many this still seems like a large barrier to entry.
Thanks for sharing a bit of history of your own town — and for commenting at all. These remarks don’t appear to me as “tone deaf” at all, but as some...