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2025.005 - Question

All question, no answer


Beyond the horizon
lie spaces
far older
or younger
than what we can see.

One bit
by entropy and time,
photons locked in place,
forever frozen.

Another waiting,
trillions more years
for the first caress
of the Creator’s fingertips.


Mythoversal/Niji 6

Daily Musings

Today's #vss365 word is "question," a reminder of how many questions have no definitive answer.

Science can't yet tell us what 95% of the universe is made of, whether our universe is the only one of its kind, whether it follows the only possible set of physical constants, or how much more of the universe exists beyond the horizons of observable space.

The part of universe visible to us may turn out to be only a tiny speck in an expansive canvas, with the Big Bang being more of a process than an event, having rippled outward for a billion, billion, billion times the 13.8 billion years that have passed at our unremarkable pinpoint of a location.

In another part of the cosmos, the Big Bang may still be unfolding as you read these words, at the leading edge of a creation-ripple that will roll onward for a billion, billion, billion universe ages yet to come.


The object in yesterday's header was a strawberry stem remover. It's the kind of thing you buy because it seems like a good idea, but which you stop using upon finding it no easier or more effective than a paring knife, and then you buy a second one years later, because you've put the first one out of your mind and it once again seems like a good idea.

No show-and-tell image in today's header because I left the house without taking a proper picture.

Feeding today's poem into the LLM generated images that universally featured a "person in a flowing garment silhouetted against a crazy night sky" motif even though no person was mentioned in the prompt. More proof that AI has no imagination.

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